Fertility Tests for Men – Everything You Need to Know

If you and your partner have been trying to have a baby but haven’t had much luck, perhaps it’s time to visit your doctor for male fertility tests.

While the problem could be on her end, you should also be checked out. At least 30% of all men have some type of fertility issues.

Who should you see? What types of tests will they perform? What will these tests tell you? We have all the answers you need right here.

Fertility Tests for Men

Begin with an Evaluation

Men should see a special type of doctor called a urologist. Your doctor will ask you about your medical history, medications you are taking or took in the recent past, exercise and lifestyle habits and any surgeries you might have had.

Be prepared for some frank discussions regarding your sex life, sex history, partners, and whether you have ever had any sexually transmitted diseases.

Analysis of Your Sperm and Semen

Most urologists will ask for a semen sample on the first visit for analysis.

After your sample has been analyzed, your doctor will discuss the results with you. This will include the shape of your sperm, the quantity, and their viability or movement.

Generally speaking, the more normal shaped, active sperm your semen contains, the more fertile you are considered to be.

There are exceptions to this rule, however. Even if you have a huge number of sperm cells, if they are not very active, you might be considered infertile.

Also, some semen samples have fast-moving, normally shaped sperm, but in such low numbers, the men are considered to be infertile.

If the sample comes back as normal, don’t be surprised if your doctor asks for a second sample and testing to confirm that everything is OK.

In most cases, two semen samples that are returned as normal mean that there aren’t any problems with fertility. This will cause your doctor to begin to look in other areas for possible problems.

A Physical Exam

Your doctor will also want to do a full physical exam, including an examination of your testicles and penis. Things your doctor will look for include varicocele, which are abnormal formations in the veins above the testes. These can prevent sperm from reaching the penis but are easily corrected with surgery.

Hormone Testing

Your doctor will also want to test your testosterone levels, as well as other hormones that are involved in the making of sperm. While hormones have something to do with the production of sperm, it often has more to do with erections.

Other Tests

Depending on what your doctor believes the problem might be, he could also order genetic testing to identify possible problems with the sperm.

Some men have issues with antibodies. For unknown reasons, the body believes that its own sperm is a foreign invader and creates antibodies to kill the sperm before it can reach the egg.

The urologist might also look for problems in the vas deferens, which is the main pipeline for getting the sperm to the penis. Some men have obstructions or are simply born without one.

Top 8 Ways to Get Your Woman Pregnant

It seems as if there are a million articles about how women can improve their chances of becoming pregnant, but what about all the men out there who can’t wait for junior?

Yes, gentleman, there are something you can do on your end besides just having sex every day.

Whether you have been trying for a few months or if you recently decided to have a baby with your partner, we want to tell you the top ways you can do your share to make sure your partner conceives a healthy child.

1. Change Your Underwear

Men, you need to keep the boys cool. Sperm can get easily overheated by those Tightie-whities. If you don’t normally wear boxers, you should change that, at least until your partner gets pregnant. Don’t hit the hot tub, steam room, sauna, or even take a very hot bath either, for the same reasons.

2. Eat Your Antioxidants

Antioxidants are those healthy things found in bright-colored fruits and veggies, but certain foods have antioxidants that raise your sperm count, such as zinc (oysters, crab, beans), vitamin C (bell peppers and citrus fruit), selenium (tuna, cod, Brazil nuts), Vitamin E, lycopene (tomatoes, watermelon), and folic acid (beef liver, beans, leafy green veggies).

3. Avoid the Soy

While some studies have found that soy can prevent prostate cancer, soy also has estrogen-like compounds. One study found that men who ate large amounts of soy, such as energy bars, protein drinks, and fake meat patties had lower sperm counts.

4. Avoid Chemicals

While everything in the world is made up of chemicals, some chemicals are not good for sperm production. Avoid products such as varnish, paint, pesticides, and brake cleaner. While this isn’t always easy to do, find ways to avoid these types of chemicals, at least until your partner has conceived.

5. Maintain a Healthy Weight

It’s not good to be overweight or underweight for either partner when trying to conceive a child. Studies found that men who had a BMI of less than 20 or over 35 had lower sperm counts than men who had a normal body weight.

6. Ease Up on Alcohol

Too many alcoholic drinks can do a number on your sperm count. One study found that less than 15 percent of men who had more than 3 drinks each day had what was considered to be a normal sperm count. The more drinks a man had each day, the lower the sperm count.

7. See the Dentist

You might think that your oral hygiene has nothing to do with your sperm count, but that would be a mistake. The presence of bacteria in semen has been linked to infertility in men. In one study, researchers performed dental exams on men whose sperm count did improve after being given antibiotics. All of the men had untreated dental issues.

8. Stop Smoking

Of course, a new baby on the way is one good reason to give up smoking, in addition to all the other reasons you’ve heard over and over again. Did you know that stopping smoking will increase your fertility almost immediately? Studies on smokers have found that men who smoke had lower sperm counts, decreased sperm mobility, even the shape of the sperm! Add fertility to the long list of reasons to quit and ask your doctor for help in quitting.

The Bottom Line

If you and your partner have been trying to have a baby for more than a year without results, you should have yourself checked by a urologist to rule out any possible problems. The sooner you fix any problem you might have; the sooner you will be holding your own little bundle of joy.


Male infertility https://www.myfertilitysuccess.com/articles/male-infertility-what-causes-it-and-what-you-can-do-about-it/
Male Fertility Testing http://americanpregnancy.org/infertility/male-fertility-testing/
How to get pregnant fast https://www.babycenter.com/0_how-to-get-pregnant-fast_10337115.bc
How to Get a Woman Pregnant https://www.wikihow.com/Get-a-Woman-Pregnant

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