How to Improve Your Chance of Conceiving a Girl?

Who isn’t completely won over by little girls? Sugar and spice and everything nice is the old saying, and it seems to be true!

If you are trying to get pregnant and are really hoping for a little girl, you might be wondering if there is anything you can do to improve your chances.

While there is no scientific evidence that there is anything you can do to increase your chances of having a baby of a particular sex, but there are certainly a bunch of ideas that can’t hurt to try,

Sex and Sperm 101

If you remember from your high school science class, sperm carries either a Y or X chromosome. Sperm with an X chromosome that fertilizes an egg will produce a female child, and the Y chromosome will produce a male child.

So while female sperm are stronger, they aren’t very fast swimmers. Male sperm cells, on the other hand, are very fast swimmers, but they aren’t very strong.

Of course, there is no such a thing as “female sperm”. Female body does not produce sperm cells. But in this particular case, let’s call “female sperm” those sperm cells with X chromosome that will lead to a female baby.

This is why people have come to believe that there are certain things that you can do to improve your chances of having a baby of the sex of your choice.

Top Tips for Conceiving a Female Child

Let’s take a look at the top tips for conceiving a female child.

1. Keep it Simple

Having sex that involves deep penetration will usually result in a male child. Since deep penetration means that the sperm is released closer to the cervix, increasing the chance that those fast little male swimmers will reach the egg first.

So, as boring as it might seem, use the old missionary position until further notice.

2. It’s All About Ovulation

Keeping an ovulation chart or using an ovulation predictor will help you immensely.

Sperm can live in the female body for about 5 days. Since female sperm is stronger, it only makes sense that the male sperm will die off first.

Having sex every day for about 5 days before ovulation, then avoiding sex on the day you ovulate should ensure that there is more female sperm alive to reach the egg than male sperm.

3. Eat the Right Foods

It might be an old wives tale, but many people swear that an acidic environment is more hospitable to female sperm. Foods that have more acidic content to them would be shellfish, whole grains, sweets, corn, rice, and tons of fruit and veggies. Some people say that a vegetarian diet is best for conceiving a girl.

4. It’s Downtime for the Big O

When a woman has an orgasm, it releases an alkaline substance into the vagina. This is great for male sperm, but not female sperm. This means that you should save your orgasms for other times when you aren’t having sex to conceive a female child.

5. Time to Heat Things Up

Unless your doctor has told your partner otherwise, you might want to consider having a nice hot bath together before sex. Sperm doesn’t like things too hot and since male sperm is the weaker of the two, a hot bath before sex can mean that more of those Y sperms die off, leaving more X sperm to do the job!


How To Conceive A Girl
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6 Effective Ways on Conceiving a Baby Girl

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3 thoughts on “How to Improve Your Chance of Conceiving a Girl?

  1. **************. Not having an orgasm to reduce the chance of getting a boy? It is a natures call, not ours.

    1. You are totally right, it’s nature, not our desire. And the article clearly states, “there is no scientific evidence that there is anything you can do to increase your chances of having a baby of a particular sex”. Still, some people think there are certain tricks you can try in order to increase your chances of conceiving a girl.

  2. Hey very nice site!! Man! Excellent! Amazing! Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed reading it, especially because it addressed my problem with conception. It helped me a lot and I hope it will help others too!

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