What is Ovulation, and How Will I Know It Happens?

Are you thinking about becoming pregnant? Are you actively trying to become pregnant? Have you been trying for a while but haven’t been lucky yet?

It’s time to learn all about the letter O. No, not that O, but O as in Ovulation, because that is what it’s all about ladies.

Just as the monthly cycle is different for every female, so is ovulation. By learning to know the signs, you can greatly increase the chances of becoming pregnant when you are ready.

Let’s take a more in-depth look at the big O and how it works.

First, what is Ovulation

Put simply, ovulation is when an egg is released from the ovary. This sets the stage, if you will, for possible fertilization of the egg.

Each woman is born with millions of immature eggs. These are typically released one at a time at a certain point of each monthly cycle.

During this process, the egg will travel down the fallopian tube, where it waits to meet with sperm and be fertilized. If this does not happen, then menstruation begins a few days later.

When Does Ovulation Occur?

While ovulation can occur at different times, depending on a woman’s unique cycle, it is typically 15 days from the first day of a woman’s period. This means that if your period began on the first day of the month, you should ovulate on the 15th day of that month.

This isn’t true for all women, however. If your cycle is only 21 days, for example, you will ovulate about 7 days after starting your period. If your cycle is longer, such as 35 days, then ovulation happens 21 days after the start of your menstruation cycle.

If you are trying to become pregnant or think you might in the near future, you would be wise to start timing your cycles so you will be more aware of when ovulation will occur.

When is a Woman the Most Fertile

You might think that it’s during ovulation and you would be partially correct. There is actually a 6-day window when a woman is most likely to become pregnant; the 5 days before ovulation, as well as the day that she ovulates.

Sperm can live in the moist environment of the uterine lining for about 5 days. A woman’s egg is only viable for about 24 hours. This means that having sex at least every other day during this six-day window will greatly increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

Of course, Mother Nature seems to have a mind of her own and women have gotten pregnant at all times of the month. If you don’t want to conceive a child, be sure to use protection every single time you have sex, regardless of what time of the month it is.

Predicting Ovulation

If your cycle is irregular, you will probably need to use some additional tools to help predict ovulation.

An old-fashioned but fairly reliable method is to begin checking your temperature every morning before you get out of bed and write it down. Start doing this on the first day of your period. Your basal body temperature should be between 97.2 and 97.6. As you get closer to ovulation, your temperature will dip slightly then sharply increase somewhere between 0.5 and a full degree. This means that ovulation has happened.

There are also ovulation kits available at most pharmacies. These kits use your urine to detect a hormone that is released when ovulation occurs. These are very accurate tools and can be extremely helpful for women with irregular cycles.

More About Those Monthly Cycles

It’s so hard to get the cramps and then start bleeding when you were so hoping that this would be the month. The month when you didn’t get your period and you could take a pregnancy test and actually have it be positive.

It’s hard. A woman can feel like a failure when she wants to be pregnant and she gets her menses instead.

That disappointed, sad, hormonal state is a tough one. It’s not an easy state to be “talked down” from. The state, the feelings, the despair usually shifts in a few days.

Then it’s back to the drawing board. This can be fatiguing month in and month out. I have just two things to share with you:

  1. As a woman, you are NOT a failure for having blood instead of a baby. You are a woman who is doing what the female body is designed to do every month. If a woman begins her menstrual cycle at age 14 and bleeds until she’s 54, that is 40 years of cycles or 480 potential cycles. It only takes one to get pregnant. Thus, every cycle you have does not mean you’re a failure, it means you’re a woman. A woman who continues to prepare herself for the month when she is aligned with fertility and conception.
  2. If you can shift your focus to the result of conception being a matter of when and not if. Then it will matter less if cycles show up in between now and when. This can potentially release you from the roller coaster of hope and despair each month you start your cycle.

It doesn’t mean it’s easy to do this. But it is possible, much more serving, and easier to pass the time until you conceive arrives.


What is Ovulation? https://www.verywellfamily.com/what-are-the-chances-of-getting-pregnant-after-40-1960287
Ovulation Prediction https://www.fairhavenhealth.com/product-category/fertility/ovulation-prediction

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