Are You Trying to Get Pregnant? Here Are a Few Tips How to Proceed!

Are you trying to get pregnant? I cannot believe how many women are trying to conceive these days! Here are a few tips to help you!

In my experience working with fertility for so long now, I have my own ideas why that might be.


The obvious possibilities are that women or couples are intending to start their families a few years later in life than was the case a couple of decades ago.

A middle age of the first pregnancy around 50 years ago was 20. Nowadays, many women only start thinking about pregnancy in their late 30s. So it seems that the idea of postponing conception until the age of 40-50 years is not as far-fetched as the average women would imagine.

However, it is important to mention that in the scientific world there are many arguments against postponing conception to advanced ages. And these arguments are certainly not new. The problem with the idea of conception in advanced age was already being mentioned in the 1920s, and there are even some data from that time.

It is interesting to note that the data from the 1920s are even more disturbing than the current one because at that time the life expectancy was only around 50 years, while now it is more than 80 years. At the time, we could still see the effects of delayed pregnancy at advanced ages – premature delivery, miscarriages, and maternal deaths. Nowadays, the reasons of the occurrence of these complications are much more frequent and have nothing to do with age – they are connected to the health of the mother.

Another reason might be that the internet being a worldwide connector, has us all much more aware of what is happening on topics such as the state of fertility.


Another potential element to the rise in infertility is a bit more subtle, in my opinion. In other words, the little things that happen regularly over time, that add up to a fair sum after a couple of years.

For example, for a woman to focus intensely on a career requires her to be in a more masculine expression of herself in the still predominantly masculine weighted business world. Nothing wrong with that, except when she’s ready to get pregnant. Her system hasn’t yet caught up with the feminine element of energy needed to conceive, nourish a fetus for 9 months and deliver a healthy baby.

She then needs to go back to her less competitive feminine-weighted thinking when it comes to her maternal body, including hormones. Her hormonal cycles are different. So is her thinking.

At some point in their life, women need to make their choice: career or pregnancy. This choice is never one or the other. Rather, it is an ongoing series of decisions that take into account the realities and demands of having a career and a family. There are many women who are choosing to have a family with as little career interruptions as possible.

There are other women who feel that they can’t have it both ways and therefore need to put one down so that they can climb the career ladder without compromising either. Finally, there are women who are working in both sectors and are able to make career/parenting and professional development work in some ways.


Our culture doesn’t pay much attention to these kinds of things. It is more subtle than lab drawn hormone levels, open fallopian tubes or ovulation days determined by drug store kits.

Yet, in my opinion, the subtle energy in trying to get pregnant is as important as the more obvious elements to getting pregnant.

This energy is what is often lacking when things are not going right, or in short when you feel blocked. Even the slightest change in your energy can alter your hormonal balance and cause serious disruption. If you notice a drop in your energy, you need to take it as a bad sign, get it checked out and be on your guard. When you are in a positive mood your energy is raised and your internal organs function more effectively.

Energy has a direct and positive effect on your organs. If you have a positive attitude and an optimistic outlook on life, this energy is easily absorbed by your body. This is in contrast to an energy that is low or depleted, which is difficult to absorb.


Not to pick on a career woman, I am one myself, there are little nutritional choices we make daily that add up over time too. Check these nutritional choices here! We know the culprits: excess sugar, excess caffeine, excess alcohol, too many processed foods. I say ‘excess’ on purpose because my belief is that things aren’t inherently bad.

Moderation is the key.

Our bodies can only take ‘excess’ for so long before buckling under the load. This is another ‘subtle energy’ piece. We don’t usually see the burden and buckling inside until physical symptoms appear. So we assume all our indulgences are no problem. It’s my belief that most of us know, deep inside, what serves us and what doesn’t.


I wrote this piece in hopes that each of you will take a breath, listen inside and allow the subtle energies of your being to speak to you. Then, all you have to do is listen.

Trying to get pregnant may be a challenging task. But it can be a very rewarding one. I hope that you all take a deep breath, listen and become pregnant.


  1. Trying to get pregnant
  2. 7 Tips for Getting Pregnant Faster
  3. 16 Natural Ways to Boost Fertility

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One thought on “Are You Trying to Get Pregnant? Here Are a Few Tips How to Proceed!”

  1. po šiestich rokoch sa snažia otehotnieť, že som tehotná 4 týždne po tom, čo som použila svoj bylinný výrobok a nasledovala vašu inštrukciu. Bolo to jednoducho úžasné. Mám históriu opakujúcich sa potratov a diagnostikoval som aj genetické problémy, ale s použitím rastlinného prípravku som tehotná prirodzene vo veku 40 rokov a po 2 HSG a 4 negatívnych IUIs vrátane 6 indukčných cyklov Clomidu a laparoskopie. Všetko vo vašom rastlinnom produkte prináša príliš veľký zmysel. Odporúčam váš rastlinný produkt všetkým mojim priateľom. Boh žehnaj!

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