Top 10 Causes of Infertility in Men and Women: How to Prevent Them?

Nothing can be more frustrating for a couple than when they try to become pregnant and are disappointed month after month.

You aren’t alone. At least 10 percent and possibly as high as 15 percent of all couples have infertility issues.

There are so many myths about infertility that we need to discuss, so that all couples who are trying to become pregnant have the truth on their side. It is a complex issue that involves many factors, including the environment, genetics, hormones, lifestyle, and even your mental health!

How to Deal with Infertility in Men and Women?

Don’t fight about whether it’s you or your partner’s fault, it is not uncommon for both couples to have issues with fertility. The main idea is to figure out what the problem is and how you can fix it.

If you and your partner are under 35 and have been having unprotected sex for at least one year, or if one of you are over 35 and have been having unprotected sex for 6 months and have never conceived a child, it’s time to see a doctor.

When to see a doctor?

But you don’t have to wait until this year or six months are over.

If you feel there can be a problem with your fertility (or if you notice any sign of infertility in you or your partner), it’s always a good idea to consult an expert who can help you determine if you or your partner have a fertility issue. Remember, the sooner you get tested and start your fertility treatment, the faster it will work and the easier the pregnancy can be achieved.

The one thing to notice is that even if it turns out that you or your partner may be unable to have a baby as a result of infertility, there are still things you can do to have kids. This can be a donor insemination, in vitro fertilization, or choosing a surrogate mother.

Don’t lose hope! There are many reasons for infertility and there are also many new developments in this area that can lead to you and your partner conceiving a happy little bundle of joy.

Top 10 Causes of Infertility in Men and Women

Infertility in couples can be a very complex issue. Here we compiled some of the most common causes of infertility in both men and women.

Even if each partner is fertile, there can be problems to conceive a child.

However, please remember this list is not meant to be comprehensive, but instead serves as a starting point for you to discuss your infertility issues with your partner or an expert from the reproductive center.

Let’s look at the Top 10 Causes of Infertility in both men and women:

Infertility Issues in Men

Common causes of infertility include:

  1. Low Sperm Count or Abnormal Sperm Function
    This can be due to numerous issues including diabetes, infections, STD’s, enlarged veins in the testicles, genetic defects, and non-descended testicles. You need to have a sufficient number of sperm that live long enough and are strong enough to swim to fertilize an egg. If sperm does not reach a female’s egg, the egg will not be fertilized and the pregnancy will fail to start.
  2. Lack of Function
    Sperm delivery problems can also be multi-faceted and include problems such as cystic fibrosis, injury to the sexual organs, and blockage in the testicles or even premature ejaculation. Some men are born without the natural “pipeline” (called the Vas Deferens) or it can become blocked.
  3. Immune Infertility
    For reasons not understood, the immune system in some men does not recognize their own sperm and send antibodies to kill the sperm. This is not an easy problem for doctors to solve, and in fact, most fertility doctors don’t seem to understand this issue very well. So, the solution seems to be to increase the number of healthy sperm, because there is a chance that some cells will survive and manage to reach female eggs for fertilization.
  4. Obesity, Smoking, and Other Lifestyle Habits
    You might not think that either of these can cause infertility, but they do. Obesity changes the hormones in the body, which can lead to a lower sperm count. Smoking, drugs, and excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to fertility issues. Certain medications can lower the sperm count in men and strenuous types of riding, such as horses or bicycles, can also affect the testicles.
  5. The Heat Factor
    Sperm do not live for long in a very hot environment. The use of hot tubs, hot baths, Jacuzzi’s, and even wearing brief type underwear can overheat the sperm. Avoid hot water and wear boxer shorts until your partner becomes pregnant.

Infertility Issues in Women

Issues for women are more easily corrected than male infertility. Common problems include:

  1. Ovulation Problems
    Problems with ovulation include hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, tumors, and even eating disorders. Some cases are simply hormonal and some are genetic and developmental.
  2. Uterine Abnormalities
    These abnormalities include a uterus with an irregular shape, polyps in the uterus, an unusual shape in the opening of the cervix, and fibroid or cancerous tumors. If there is no uterine lining to aid in conception, the fertilized egg will not be delivered or a fertilized embryo cannot be implanted and the pregnancy will end in miscarriage.
  3. Fallopian Tube Trouble
    If the fallopian tubes are blocked or if they have scar tissues, or if they are affected with pelvic inflammatory disease, eggs cannot be released. Fallopian tube blockage is a rare medical condition where a fallopian tube (the tube that transports eggs from the ovaries to the uterus) becomes blocked or damaged in some areas of the body.
  4. Pelvic Adhesions
    Also known as scar tissue, adhesions generally occur after pelvic surgery or after a pelvic infection.
  5. Endometriosis
    This is when the body grows tissue outside the uterus, affecting the function of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus. If left untreated, the growth of tissue can result in problems in sex, cause infertility and even lead to the development of cancer. According to The American Cancer Society, the disease causes one in nine women to develop a complete infertility, and it is also associated with an increased risk of cancer.


Causes of infertility in men and women
American Cancer Society

Female Fertility Testing
Premature Ejaculation in Men

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