My Fertility Success Story: Discover the Secret Ingredient of Successful Conception!

Many women have expressed interest in the story of how this website and its accompanying products were conceived and birthed.  If you are interested, you are welcome to read on.

Back in the mid 90s I began successfully working with women trying to conceive. After a handful of years, I began to notice a common thread among every single woman trying to conceive.  Each time I met with a woman, we would talk about this thread, and together we created ways that this vital ingredient could be added to her fertility recipe.  Once this vital ingredient was added to her growing understanding of what it takes to reach the right recipe for fertility success, she usually got pregnant.  I say, typically, because there were also women who realized that, in fact, having a child was not her deepest desire like she had thought.  As well, there was a percentage, albeit not that big, of women who didn’t conceive.

I continued to find it fascinating that no matter how old, how “unexplained” her infertility, no matter how many miscarriages, or failed IVF’s, or how hopeless she felt, once she became consciously aware of her missing piece and went to work on adding it to her fertility recipe, healthy pregnancy became her reality.

My heart would always break for the scores of women I sat with, sobbing their authentic woes of despair that their fertility seemed so elusive.  During this decade it became alarmingly apparent, worldwide, that infertility was on the rise.  Fertility clinics were cropping up to meet the growing demand of infertile couples/woman.

By 2013 it no longer felt right to limit this information to just the women I saw one-on-one. And moreover, I even started to consult men looking for the fertility treatment options! There were too many other women who were suffering in their pursuit of bringing their baby into the world.  Thus, MyFertilitySuccess was born.

My Fertility Success

MyFertilitySuccess is about you naming your journey, seeing clearly what your fertility ingredients need to be, and with renewed trust and confidence, blending your ingredients into a successful outcome of pregnancy and birth.

It is not so common that there is only “one” ingredient in any recipe.  There are usually several ingredients.  Some women know a good chunk of their recipe and just need a small amount of adjustment to “tip their scales”. Some women are starting more from scratch, and they need to gather their ingredients.  I have noticed that it is the women willing to discover their most serving recipe, who are the ones who eventually find themselves pregnant.

Every woman’s journey of infertility to fertility includes some similar and some different fertility treatment ingredients.  Not every infertile woman gets pregnant using IVF, although some do.  Not every infertile woman uses acupuncture to get pregnant, yet some do.  It is not necessary for every infertile woman to give up all caffeine in order to conceive.   Not every infertile woman conceives while sipping Chinese herbs and nibbling on fertile eggs and steamed yams, but some have.

How do I know?  Because it’s the universal thread, it’s a crucial ingredient.  It’s an obvious, yet sadly overlooked ingredient.  It’s the thing that every woman must have access to, before meeting successfully with her fertility.  I’ve observed this over and over for years now, and it seems to not vary, even a little bit.

There is another thing that has been so amazing to watch, and that is that this ingredient seems to be the very same ingredient that contributes greatly to these women being a better mother as a result of having accessed it.  Every time, it’s the most beautiful thing!

I deeply love supporting women on their fertility journey because they grow; they become more empowered; they become better women in front of my eyes.  I hold this as a sacred honor to be a witness to this growth.

Your Fertility. Your Success!

Your mission is to give birth to a healthy baby boy or baby girl. My mission is to help you dramatically increase your chances of success.

It is usually difficult to see clearly when you’re in the middle of an emotional, heart-wrenching infertility situation.  Why?  Because you’re too close to what’s happening to be able to be objective with yourself. 

That’s also called “Being human”.

Well, that’s exactly what you’ll find here: the most essential but hard-to-find secrets to conception and successful pregnancy.

It doesn’t matter whether you are using IVF, IUI, Clomid, natural or alternative methods, individually or in combination. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had one or more miscarriages. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter what your causes of infertility are. What matters is that you are able to turn on your own fertility switch so that the methods you are using can succeed!

The good news: there are ways to get pregnant on your own, even if you are older, have had repeated miscarriages or are dealing with a low number of healthy embryos after your previous failed attempt. All it takes is a bit of time, persistence and dedication.

If you are in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s or older, and you have just experienced a failure of fertility after having tried to get pregnant for some time, then you are really in for some good news.

We’ll get into more detail about the best ways to get pregnant when you are older, but let’s focus here on a few reasons why it’s a good time to be getting pregnant, and some of the reasons why some women never seem to get pregnant no matter how hard they try.

Do you want to be sure you’re doing all you can to help the methods you’re using succeed? Of course! It’s time to turn on your fertility switch for successful conception and birth!!

Now, I realize you may have many questions related to such topics as: Complementary/Alternative Therapy, ART, IVF, IUI, eggs and egg quality, etc. If so, see the sidebar for valuable information on the maze of fertility issues and options, through a series of special topics’ resource pages.

Whether you consult these bonus pages or not, you won’t want to go another minute without learning the truth about your very own priceless gift for fertility and pregnancy success.

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