Acupuncture for Infertility in Women: Does It Really Work?

When faced with infertility problems, many women feel shame, anxiety, and a sense of loss each and every month when they fail to become pregnant.

Admitting infertility is difficult for many women, and public responses in support of those who have failed to conceive are needed to prevent the already pressing problem of infertility from getting worse.

A woman’s fertility begins to decrease around the age of thirty. Her reproductive organs become more susceptible to infections, and she becomes less able to conceive. This decline is known as “the reproductive window.”

There are literally hundreds of thousands of websites and blogs about how to get pregnant, not to mention advice from friends and family members, but how do you know what will really work?

The trick is to know your body and to think about what is best for your body, rather than relying on websites full of low-quality ideas that were not reviewed by doctors or fertility experts.

Fertility Treatment Options

Most doctors will guide you to fertility drugs, which can often do the trick, but not many couples have access to these types of clinics, nor can they afford the cost.

If this is an option for you, contact a surgeon who works with couples trying to conceive and discuss are IVF.

IVF and artificial insemination can cost tens of thousands of dollars and insurance generally won’t cover the costs.

This causes many couples to turn to more holistic and herbal treatments, such as drinking red raspberry leaf tea and acupuncture.

Women who struggle to conceive often turn to alternative therapies to address issues relating to emotional intimacy and sexual relationships, further driving down the female infertility rates.

Meanwhile, men may want to seek other solutions, such as detoxifying techniques and pills that improve sperm quality.

However, one of the most reliable and yet safe techniques is Acupuncture.

Acupuncture has become more accepted in Western society, but does this ancient form of Chinese medicine actually work?

The History of Acupuncture

It’s believed that acupuncture began about 3,000 years ago, when persons used sharp tools to puncture the skin, possibly to drain abscesses or remove infections.

More recently, acupuncture has been used by health care providers in western world to help treat conditions ranging from pains to diabetes and multiple sclerosis.

In China, it is used more for everything from easing back pain to promoting breast enlargement. There are claims that acupuncture is effective at treating a wide variety of medical problems.

The first description of the needles used states that they were made from gold, silver, or bronze. Today, only stainless steel needles are used.

While many people think this is a new practice in the US, doctors have been practicing this ancient art here since at least the early 1800s.

The Core of Infertility in Women

There is a delicate balance between the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus gland, and the reproductive system in the body.

For reasons not fully understood, something as common as stress can prevent a woman from ovulating. If she should ovulate, stress can also cause spasms in the fallopian tubes or in the uterus, causing the failure of a fertilized egg to implant itself or to stay implanted.

Acupuncture aims to remove stress, as well as to counterbalance cortisol, a stress hormone in the body. Acupuncture aims to re-balance the different parts of nervous systems. This aim is achieved by removing tissue stresses by the acupuncture points.

Women are not the only ones affected by stress. Male sperm mobility and production can be affected, causing an imbalance in the reproductive hormones.

Fertility Drugs: are they worth it?

Fertility drugs work by stimulating the ovaries to produce eggs. However, these drugs do nothing to address stress, the pituitary or the hypothalamus gland.

While it is true that fertility drugs can produce as high as a 60 percent success rate, they come with a wide variety of side effects, including nausea, vomiting, moodiness, and weight gain.

Moreover, they can also come with a high cost and complicated medical procedures, which is why they’re only given to couples who have no other options.

How Can Acupuncture Help?

Under the strain of many daily responsibilities, experiencing physiological, hormonal, and structural changes that are only slightly adjusted, it is difficult to sustain a suitable level of sexual energy.

In addition to this, the cognitive component of the sufferer’s sexuality is also compromised and may suffer from anxiety. These deficits in sexual activity and pleasure have huge effects on a woman’s emotional health.

Acupuncture works by reducing stress, counteracting against cortisol, and increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs while balancing the entire endocrine system.

There are no side effects with acupuncture and the main goal of your health care provider is to not only get you pregnant but to have your pregnancy come to full term with a healthy baby.

Acupuncture for baby

It can be very important to the baby that the woman receives acupuncture before and during her pregnancy. The main reason is that acupuncture can increase blood flow to the placenta (the placenta is an organ that gives the fetus nutrition).

This may have a beneficial effect on the baby’s development as well as on the mother. This is because when the mother receives acupuncture her body’s energy field is trained so it’s easier for the baby to absorb the nutrients the placenta provides.

Your acupuncture specialists will gently insert needles into strategic points on the body, designed to encourage conception. Almost every obstacle that causes infertility, other than tubal adhesions, can be improved by acupuncture sessions.

Benefits of Acupuncture

Most women have monthly sessions and conceive a child after 3 to 6 months.

Proven acupuncture methods of stimulating fertility have been developed and used in many countries for decades. Today, scientifically validated, state-of-the-art acupuncture therapies for conception have the potential to increase the chances that couples will be able to conceive and improve the possibility of a healthy pregnancy.

Acupuncture is a natural, well-tested holistic treatment used by millions of people. It certainly can’t hurt to try.


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